NUTRIMIN serves Dairy, Beef and Sheep Farmers in West Wiltshire and South Gloucestershire.
Call Wayne Smith on 01249 812855 or 07860 511947. Email - or write to:
Nutrimin Animal Services
98 Anchor Road
Wilts SN11 8EA
We give our customers a personal service that includes forage analyses, mineral plans, and technical backup, all aimed to help achieve optimum nutrition and performance. With frequent on-farm visits and a prompt response to telephone enquries.
The advice we give customers and the products we recommend are based on many years of experience and local knowledge. Farmers need to feel confident with the advice and products they use. We work hard to earn the trust and respect of our farmer customers.
Experience, excellent products, personal service and above all, trust. If you're farming in West Wiltshire or South Gloucestershire and this is what you're looking for - call Nutrimin today.
Feed products, On-farm Support and Technical Services for the Livestock Farmer.
A personal service just a phone call away - 01249 812855
Transition Cow - The Nutrimin product for effective Dry-Cow management .
Cubi Powder - Controle bacterian in cubicle beds, yards and calving boxes.
Ice Gold - Silage Innoculant and Preservative from Nutrimin.
- Quality Animal Feeds
- Mineral and Vitamin Supplements
- Liquid Feeds
- Silage and Maize Preservatives
- Feed Blocks
- Protein Concentrates
- Biocell Farm MIx Yeast Additive
- Milk Powders
- Cubical Dressing Powders
- Beef Concentrates
- Protected Fats
- Pheasant Feeds
- Molasses-based feed ingredients
- A full range of Organic Feed Products
Maize & Grass Seed
Our extensive range of top brands and quality products for livestock farmers includes:
Yeast Additive
And More - Call NUTRIMIN for details - 01249 812855